Færsluflokkur: Menning og listir
20.1.2009 | 12:37
Tilkynning um Menningarstyrk úr EEA/EFTA þróunarsjóði-Umsóknarfrestur 6. mars 2009
The 4.4 million Cultural Exchange Fund has been established under the EEA and Norway Grants to strengthen cultural ties between Poland and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The fund is supported with a 4 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and 0.4 million from the Polish government.
Grants are awarded to support cultural projects carried out in partnership between Polish players and entities from the donor states. The cooperation activities can be within the fields of music and performing arts, cultural heritage, plastic and visual arts, or literature and archives.
Project proposals can be submitted to the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage until 6 March 2009. While all projects supported under the fund are required to have partners from Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway, the application needs to be submitted by a Polish entity. Further information about the open call is available on the Cultural Exchange Fund website. http://www.fwk.mkidn.gov.pl/news/35.html
The objectives of the proposals must comply with following thematic areas of the Fund:
- music and stage arts;
- cultural heritage;
- plastic and visual arts;
- literature and archives.
The following entities are authorized to apply:
a) local self-government entities and their associations;
b) public cultural institutions;
c) public artistic schools and academies;
d) state archives;
e) non-governmental cultural organisations;
f) artists, authors, organisers of cultural activities administered by one of entities listed in points a-d.
Having at least one Partner originating from the Donor-States is required. Partnership has to be proved by the letter of intent (or partnership agreement), which is one of the obligatory annexes to the application form.
- the minimal value of the grant 10 000 euro 41 304 PLN (according to rate 1 euro = 4,1304 PLN )
- the maximum value of the grant 250 000 euro 1 032 600 PLN (according to rate 1 euro = 4,1304 PLN )
Co-financing level : up to 90 % of total eligible costs.
Applicants contribution (obligatory): minimum 10 % of total eligible costs.
Maximum project duration cannot be longer than 24 months.
1. obligatory on-line registration of the application form on the internet site:
2. delivery of the documents (personally, by courier or via post):
- 2 sets of documents in the paper version (an application form and the annexes)
- 2 CDs with the set of scanned original documents.
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Department for European Funds
Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17
00 - 071 Warsaw
with postscript: Cultural Exchange Fund call for proposals - 2009
Call for proposals (registration and delivery of the sets of documents to Fund Operator) will last from 6th January 2009 to 6th March 2009.
In case of sending documents via post date of reception of a paper version of the application by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, not the date of post stamp.
Detailed information on Cultural Exchange Fund (with application form with obligatory forms of annexes) are available at: www.fwk.mkidn.gov.pl.
More information about the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism can be found at the website of the Focal Point MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.eeagrants.pl" claiming to be www.eog.gov.pl and the website of the Financial Mechanism Office www.eeagrants.org.
Magdalena Mazurkiewicz mmazurkiewicz@mkidn.gov.pl, tel.: (+48 22) 421 04 08
Elżbieta Świętek eswietek@mkidn.gov.pl, tel.: (+48 22) 421 03 32
Małgorzata Zbyszewska mzbyszewska@mkidn.gov.pl, tel.: (+48 22) 421 04 68
Menningaráætlun ESB / The European Union's Culture Programme
Túngata 14, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
+354 562 63 88
email: info@evropumenning.is
5.1.2009 | 12:44
Vinna heldur áfram
Gleðilegt nýtt ár. Enn er verið að vinna í Tjarnarbíó og er búið að reysa vinnupalla í salnum til að auðvelda vinnu við loftið. Sjá myndir í myndaalbúmi.
2.12.2008 | 15:18
Pallborð í Iðnó
Sjálfstæðu leikhúsin standa fyrir pallborði um samstarf sviðslistastofnanna og leikhópaí Iðnó föstudaginn 5. desember kl. 12-13:30 Á pallborði verða:Karítas H. Gunnarsdóttir - skrifstofustjóri menningarmála í Menntamálaráðuneytinu /Inga Jóna Þórðardóttir- formaður LR /Aino Freyja Järvelä - formaður SL /Viðar Eggertsson leikstjóri og forseti leiklistarsambandssins/ Arndís Hrönn Egilsdóttir forsvarsmaður Sokkabandsins/Gunnar I. Gunnteinsson MA í menningar- og menntastjórnun. Fundastjóri: Felix Bergsson Aðagangur ókeypis og léttur hádegisverður í boði Skráning á leikhopar@leikhopar.is www.leikhopar.is
19.11.2008 | 09:28
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23.10.2008 | 09:59
Niðurrifi lokið og uppbygging hefst!
20.6.2008 | 13:03
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12.6.2008 | 09:32
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4.6.2008 | 14:50
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26.5.2008 | 12:00
Framkvæmdir á fullu í Tjarnarbíó
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23.4.2008 | 11:18